In the you gotta be kidding me column!
The State of California in their infinite and broke wisdom is forcing California Real Estate Brokers to offer Workers Compensation for their independent contractors.
Now when the average broker makes less than $200 per side, I wonder how long before brokers close their doors.
Hey I understand. The state of California is broke and they need money. State Fund (the workers comp company that runs California's comp monopoly) is broke. This is after a roofer must pay over a dollar into the fund for every dollar he pays out. But, don't get me started.
So the Brokers are forced into signing off under penalty of law that they are providing workers comp.
So let me get this right. You don't provide workers comp. But you say you do for the silly reason that you want to keep your doors open. Then you can go to jail?
This is a clear case of the state picking on an industry.
Recently the Sacramento Bee reported that" little has happened in the seven weeks since Jose Millan, deputy secretary for enforcement at the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, said his agency was poised to cite a "sizable percentage" of California's 20 largest residential real-estate brokers for not having workers' compensation insurance for sales agents."