From A Talk I gave at the Master Mind Conference
Las Vegas, NV
What is a Blog?
In the beginning:
Programmer A |
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Programmer B |
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Programmer C |
New York | Denver | Los Angeles |
In the old days of the web, programmers would share code they were trying to solve. It made it easy to keep an ongoing log of their work.
Visual Examples:
- David Horowitz-Conservative Columnist
- George W Bush-President of The United States
- John Kerry-Democratic Nominee-President of The United States 2004
- Michael Moore-"Documentarian"
- Blog For America-Part of the Howard Dean organization and what helped helped to inspire the above candidates to Blog.
Bold Approach-Public Relations Firm
Example of a single blog that teaches - Travel Agency Blog
- RoundTable Communications Blog
- Real Estate Online Marketing Blog-by yours truely:
- Real Estate Agent Blog
Everyone is blogging. From Journalists, Businesses, Politicians, Musicians to Gen X Diary logs.
Why Have A Blog?
A. Authority-
From Cialdini's 7 Influencers: Authority
We are likely to comply when we believe someone to be an authority.Authority can provide a shortcut to decision -making. If we accept someone as an authority, and that person advocates certain behaviors, then we do not have to go through what might otherwise be a difficult decision-making process.
Compliance professionals seek to create the appearance of authority to gain our compliance: e.g.
- trappings
- titles (GRI, ABR, CRS )
Information Articles, Press Releases, speaking seminars and even Radio and TV programming has been in the Guerilla Realtor arsenal for years. All done to create Authority and Leadership over the marketplace and to make competition obsolete.
Thru the magic of RSS (Real Simple Syndication), we can have our authority syndicated across the web for other's with Blogs or traditional websites to feed our content into their website. This is an example of someone feeding my article.
It can make you a Star!
Blogging can allow you to become the authority in one or more of you local marketplaces.
B. Search Engines
Google in particular loves Blogs because of their:
- Constantly updated content
- Fresh Links
Many believe that registering your website with Google will get you into Google. On the contrary, Google will only list you if they find you from another link (s). Thus, it is more important than ever to have ample links pointing into your website in order to create what is called link popularity.
The way to get link popularity in the past was thru :
- Link Exchanges
- Directories
- Article Syndication
- Posting in Forums
- Cross Linking
- Etc.
Now with Blogs you are able to add another weapon in your link popularity campaign.
With seasoned blogs we are seeing same day indexing and possibly even faster inclusion into the Google results.
More Proof that the engines love Blogs:
- Google owns Blogger an online Blogging Host.
- Google Blog
- Yahoo Blog
C. Avoidance of Functional Obsolescence
Dave Lakhani President of Bold Approach told me that in three to five years we won't recognize the current websites. "Everyone will have a Blog."
The next two to three years will be like five years ago. Those who had a website were above the crowd. Now when you say you have a Blog, you are elevating yourself above your competition. And with the Search Engines in your favor, a Blog is a strategic move that can position you to dominate your online market.
2nd Generation real estate web searchers are seeing more and more of the same templated websites everywhere they go. Studies have confirmed in most cases that the searcher is not finding what he/she wants. Which is generally information about their search subject. Specifically, they are looking to see houses for sale. Including pictures of homes and the houses detailed written information. (Based on Keyword Search Behavior & Industry studies)
D. Demographics
How old are you? Who is your older audience?
They are dieing or dead.
Who is your younger audience? Looking for a Realtor that they can relate to that's who. The same grassroots that bought into the Howard Dean Web Machine is your Gen X -young webbies. They are your younger home buyers and sellers. They are the one's demanding and driving the Blog movement. They are your present and future web marketplace.
The Day of Reckoning
Duplicated, over syndicated, generalized-branded real estate content is all over the web. For the most part it is not topical and timely. It does little to influence the real estate consumer (your visitor) and the way it is coded by most Web Design Houses, does little to help in search engine placement.
The day is here to start creating your own content. Blogs allow you to do this very easily. Those with duplicated, un-original content will fall into the trash heaps of digital oblivion.
How to Have a Blog?
They are from Free to $19.95 a month for templated solutions. And more for custom solutions. The one(s) you pick depends on your goals.
Blogger and Typepad are two that free and cheap. Many webhosts such as offer blogging as part of their web hosting services.
A Blog can hit more than two birds with one stone.
A Blog offers you the opportunity to gain market Authority, Give Google and Yahoo exactly what it wants, and create an archive of your insights, tips, articles, newsletters, press releases, market updates, local news and alerts, amongst much more information that safely lets your online personality permeate and dominate your marketplace.
When To Get A Blog?
Where to Get a Blog?
Spider Juice Technologies offers Blogging strategic implementation to help you meet your online marketing objectives.
Reservations to Blogging
Time undoubtedly is against you. While you debate weather you have the time, another brokerage is finding the time to implement their blog.
Spider Juice Technologies can help you develop content building strategies that help you easily and quickly generate onsite content on your site, and for you to develop your own content on your blog that can be syndicated and used to help your link popularity and authority building process.