In reference to a recent post after the Political Debates called, Kerry and Bush Seek to Capture Voters Thru Internet Blogs.
I mentioned a few instances whereby Internet Blogs have influenced news cycles such as the Trent Lott resignation.
Once again, we are reminded of the importance of the true power of blogs. No matter your political affiliation, it is factual that the larger media can sway public thought.
However, it is with Blogs that we are begininning to see the power to influence sway back to the individual.
This was again proven as just recently the Iraq munitions charges against President Bush were proven false by a blog. The point is not whether you agree or disagree, but that you do believe in the power of your ability to influence thru your blog.
Now, if you read the above linked artcle it does not get an A for journalistic credability. Their source is alluded to, but not revealed. But that is not the point.
The above linked sitee has been credited for first calling the accusations against Bush as false. It started a wave of other conservative bloggers to investigate, and most importantly we see the story turning the other way.
We once again witness the power of the blog.