Distraction and Click Fatigue.
This is the very simple reason that your web site may not work.
Distraction is when you have so many links on your site that it lacks focus.
Click fatigue is when your visitor is so tired from trying to find the information they desire on your site, that they go back to Google, Yahoo, or their original search engine or directory.
While tough to totally eliminate. You must diminish these profit killers negative affect on your web site's ability to convert into your most wanted action.
Usually, not knowing your most wanted action (MWA) is what leads to the urge to be everything to everybody.
By knowing your MWA, you will either highlight your Real Estate Brand or your Call to Action. Your Call to Action will be what causes your visitor to become a lead.
Usually, the best lead is one that signs up for your IDX/VOW MLS listings.
If you know this at the start of your project, then you will make the path to your Most Wanted Action as short and easy as possible for your visitor. Virtually eliminating distraction and fatigue factors.
Or if your goal is to highlight your Brand, you will cause all paths to put forth your message.
SpiderWorkz.com offers targeted web development that can swell your real estate lead generation and Branding.