Or:Real Estate MLS gone.. again
Inman recently included a piece that alerted me to a new vortal that inlcudes newspapers' property listings. The site is called Homescape.com, a division of Classified Ventures. They have mirrored sites at HomeHunter.com and NewHomeNetwork.com.
Why isn't there alarm bells and prophesies of Armageddon going off in the Realtor world?
This site is aggregating "their" listings. We just talked about this at Real Estate MLS gone.
If you were to do a search for Sacramento homes, you would find the on line classifieds feed from the Sacramento Bee.
I did find that at least for Sacramento, the MLS listings that the newspaper-on line mls advertising was not included in the feed.
I guess if I were a Realtor, I could be upset for a few reasons.
One. Why don't they include the MLS listings? Two. And more disconcerning. Is this the beginning of the the big push to replace the MLS sharing that has been the mainstay and foundation of "Realty" Marketing as we know it. Three. Does the Realtor need another industry to compete for on line positioning? Especially when the Realtor community subsidizes many of these media outlets existence?