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January 25, 2005


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Brian Patrick

I'm interested in your 2005 predictions referencing audio and video for online real esate marketing.

I currently produce real estate video tours with full narration and background music. I have seen plenty of video tours online, and most of them are amatuer, which kind of defeats the purpose.

I agree with your statements about the virtual tour market. In my opinion, virtual tours are a stepping stone to true video advertising.

Feel free to contact me directly. I am always interested in the experiences and business models of other real estate marketing companies.

Brian Patrick
video marketing solutions
[email protected]

Koenig and Strey Chicago MLS Search and Real Estate

The typical virtual real estate tour may not be the high resolution audio/video eye and ear candy you come to expect in today's digital media world, but I have had buyers for my listings tell me they have viewed my virtual tours over and over. They are key for 2 reasons:

1. Many on-line buyers will look at listings with virtual tours first - before looking at other listings.

2. The virtual tour reaffirms and reinforces their decision to buy a particular property. It helps eliminate some of the unknowns from the tour-less listings.

With that said, a nice, high bandwidth video tour that can be burned to a credit card sized CD is a great marketing tool that I use.

For broadband users only...


Koenig and Strey Chicago MLS Search and Real Estate


Your video tours are great! I ejoyed the Peak Property one tremendously.

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