As a side distraction I like to Coach Youth Football. It started out as a way to see more of my son. It then became a passion.
It was just last night that I was preaching the power of leadership to one of the kids.
I told him that there are many new players on our team, that are desperately looking to others to show them what to do. To show them how far is too far. They need leadership. And our team needs leaders to emerge.
I told him that people, by nature, are generally like sheep. Do you remember when you were a kid and someone would look into the sky at nothing, and everyone eventually start looking up in the sky at nothing? I told him when people are unsure of what to do, they look to others for guidance.
This principle and others were brilliantly taught by Robert Cialdini a Social Psychologist in his amazing book, INFLUENCE.
My good friend once explained it to me as we were on the freeway in heavy traffic. He pointed to the off ramp. He said "Watch the People will often follow other cars down a two lane off ramp, leaving one lane completely empty." The Sheeple affect.
I was delighted to see another blogger has written about Sheeple. It prompted me to write this short piece.
What does that have to do with anything? Well I assume if you are reading this blog that you are interested in influencing your prospects.
It is really easy when you have a blog to become an authority about your subject matter. This will help you lead your own Sheeple to the promised land!
The influence of Homegain and lead generators contribute to the *sheeple* situation with real estate agents. They know in today's market the Internet is crucial. They just don't know how to capture it. Blindly following the others and signing up to pay for leads. Buyers and sellers on average comment on Homegain's lack of information and annoying sign up features. They feel pushed into giving information to be sold to real estate agents. Then agents fighting to work with them flood their inbox. SEO's and designers should of course take note and guide their clients. Web viewers want information, knowledge, advice, and guidance. Nobody wants to be *Sold* or pushed. Providing content rich websites that enable the visitor to be better informed and have their questions answered, will only improve our reputation and respectability. The viewer will then ultimately become a client. We allow Homegain to own our local markets. *Looks to the sky*
Posted by: Cecilia Sherrard | October 19, 2005 at 09:23 AM