- Paid Local Search Advertising
The paid local search advertising market will nearly triple to $907 million in 2006, according to research firm Borrell Associates. In its annual study of the local online ad market, the company also found that spending on local search will far outpace spending on local online display ads. Local search advertising is expected to reach $4.07 billion by 2010, accounting for nearly half of all local online advertising. - Competitive Pracices in Real Estate
Using the excuse that consumers paid $61 billion in real estate brokerage fees in 2004 and that the Internet has failed to lower those fees, U.S. Rep. Mike Oxley asked the U.S. Government Accountability Office to look into the competitive practices of the real estate industry. Red States Best For Bloated Websites
Yep, according to its updated broadband report, Leichtman Research Group found that at the beginning of 2005, broadband penetration of households in the U.S. stood at close to 29 percent nationwide, and that disparities in penetration are largely related to variations in household income across the states, which are strikingly similar to the state-by-state splits in the 2004 presidential election, The Center for Media Research reports.
If you have a heavy website with lots of graphics and graphics, you are punishing your viewers that are on dialup. And if your area voted for Bush then more than likely they are on dialup.