Looking at others, to determine if one is going in the right direction or not is a common human behavior.
In fact, Robert Cialdini wrote about Social Proof as a powerful human trigger. This is why using testimonials work so well.
Well,Forrester Research just posted an interesting piece on how it is common for indutries to base website standards against others within the industry, and how this can be a poor approach if profit is your objective.
It is obvious — and understandable — that many customer experience executives judge their Web sites against those of their competitors. But periodically, firms need to look beyond their own industries to find out what the rest of the Web world is doing. A structured process for searching the vast universe of Web sites can make this task manageable and help differentiate truly great Web innovations from so-so sites.standable — that many customer experience executives judge their Web sites against those of their competitors. But periodically, firms need to look beyond their own industries to find out what the rest of the Web world is doing. A structured process for searching the vast universe of Web sites can make this task manageable and help differentiate truly great Web innovations from so-so sites.more
At Spider Juice Technologies, our overiding objective starts with the question: what is the fastest and most profitable approach for our client? Let's face it, just because someone in your market has a website does not mean they make money at it. Just because they even get traffic does not mean they make money. Just because they get leads does not mean they make money.
When desiring a feature that a competitor has, it is a prudent act to ask first ,"does that make him or her money."
If you don't know, then you do not know if it is a good idea.
To illustrate this, a family member once told me that she loves a particular feature on a Palms Springs hotel site. She was adament that all hotels should use this, and all Realtors too.
Hmm.... I asked "did you buy"?
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