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August 24, 2006


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Brian Requarth

Hi Tim,

I am a fan of what you have done in the real estate internet marketing field. I read your blog, listen to your podcasts and seen some videos you have done. Keep up the great work. I know this blog post is from 2006, but it is extremely relevant in 2008. Currently there are an estimated 500,000-1,000,000 Americans living in Mexico (and another 200,000 canadians). You are totally right about the American invasion and as more and more baby boomers retire many are planning to move to Mexico and Costa Rica where the healthcare is more affordable and the weather is nice and warm (the new Florida). I just listened to your two interviews with Stephen about his trends report. Good stuff! I was thinking about getting the report the other day, but after listening to the podcast I just had to get it.

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