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January 18, 2007


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M. Reeder

I couldn't agree more. Email marketing is so important since many of our leads are coming from the internet. I'm a realtor, and I've noticed I've been able to bond with potential clients better than my colleagues through my emails. I've been using a photo email signature and it makes a big difference! I got it from www.allEYEShere.com - great customer service, really affordable!


Hi Tim, I just wanted to say Go Bears, I grew up watching the Bears, Vikings, and Packers. And, I wanted to say that I loved hearing "You are looking live at the Soldier Field in Chicago>>" That to me meant football. As a teenager, I had the pleasure of walking next to Soldier Field, and I went back a few weeks ago, and I tell you, the new stadium is awesome. My editor for my blog, lives in Chicago, our companies first client outside of Seattle came from Chicago, my sister lives in Chicago. So I have to support Chi-town, and yes the easiest MLS I have worked with so far is Chicago's MLSNI.

Well, now back to why business
s make it, and why they don't? Great leadership, can Lovey set a good example. Hey will you plug in for my http://SeattleHouses.blogspot.com and work with Evan a little, his last name is Thoreau!

Coach Tim SEO

No matter how long ago it was, Dah Bears will always remind me of the SNL skits with Dah Bears Superfans from Ditkas Restaurant.

The best was when Farley had a haht attack but he was really coughing up a steak. OK I have revealed my real sick humour.

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