- You gotta Blog if you are going to Survive Online
- The Search Engines like blogs better than a website.
- A Blog Is easier to get traffic from engines.
- I can write anything on my blog
- The Blogosphere matters
- A Blog Is about You
- Social Media and Web 2.0 is the future of the web
This one will be short as it is similar to #2 but is worthy of its own Topic.
A Blog is easier to get traffic from the engines only because of constant content.
Now technically you can say it is built with search friendly metas, it is fully W3 qualified, etc. But no content=no traffic. No inbound links=no traffic.
Perhaps a better name for this category is...
Build it and they will come
That was the old line we used to use for traditional websites. It is of course untrue. And it implies that if you simply blog you are done. But even worse just because you get traffic does not mean that you are going to make any money. And that is the largest, most costly LIE of Internet marketing.
You must build it so the search spiders are greeted by good content and good inbound linkage. And simutaneously build it so humans come and CONVERT.Which is the subject of our next Myth.