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March 1, 2007


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Nathan Garza

I own a Web Production Company, and I am going to have to say that you are spot on here. Content creation is the key, and blogs do make it supper easy, especially for those without the skills/time/resources to do it by other means. Love your blog by the way. Keep it up.

john harper

I think the point is that blogging provides a lot of varied content that tends to revolve around your business interests. Since many people still don't know what a meta-tag is, it is easier to give it to them in myth terms because the reality for them is that they could never hope to accomplish it on their own.

Greg Tracy had a good post yesterday over at Blueroof that spoke to all the ways that blogging has helped him beyond the SEO element.

John Strozier

I like your blog and comments. I've built my blog only a short time ago and I’ve had a steady stream of traffic. Blogs are very immediate which is great and you can generate traffic the day you start it. Also it helps that I have the most comprehensive site for my area, which is not that hard. Thanks for the good reading. I’ll bookmark your blog.

All the best


Good post and tips! Yes, you are absolutely right. Moving forward in the age of technology, a website is a must for marketing. I love to see agents keeping up with the changing times and using Internet marketing strategies.

kamal real

point-6 A Blog Is about You
i m fully agreed on it because you are only limited to your post only. comments are the main power of blog which make it usefull and lengthen the thread.

Egyptian Real estate Agent

This article is very useful for us as a real estate agent, and with importanc Internet real estate marketing , here we know the importance of blogs!!!

Ahmed Anies
Egyptian Real estate Agent

Egyptian Real Estate BLOGGER
Phone: (002)+ 016 1334420
Email: [email protected]
site: www.egypt-realestate-agent.com

Charles Meunier

Thanks for your blog and your inspirations. I created my Paris Real Estate blog only last year and am getting a lot of traffic:

KHS Paris Real Estate Blog

Cory Barnett

Check out http://www.lenderimplode to see how much the lenders are in trouble.

Cory Barnett

Risa and David Weiss

Myth (or cop out) #8: You have to be a "techie" to blog.

Truth: If you can type, you can blog.

The beauty of services like TypePad.com (which this blog is hosted on), is that you don't have to know anything more than how to string a few sentences together. Everything else is done for you by the service.

Myth #9: You don't really generate real business directly from a blog. People just don't show up out of nowhere and contract with you for services.

Truth: Bull. I have a current inventory of $3,500,000 in listings purely from internet marketing efforts. I have another $1,000,000 in pending buyer contracts waiting to close from internet marketing efforts.

But you have to work at it. Some people literally DO drop out of the sky and contract for services. But most of the time, it's relationship building that takes weeks, months, or in some cases, years to develop before turning into a contract for sale.

Lonn Dugan

Well done. Well Said... Bravo!


You knew there was going to be a however... right?

IF BLOGS ARE EASIER to make and use than most web site content pages, and IF CONTENT IS KING, then isn't this EASE OF USE a compelling argument for having a blog?

If you want to compete for online mindshare by producing content, then isn't blogging the best way to do it?

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