We are having a hard time getting him good web optimization. I've had a hard time getting him up on Google. Got him on Yahoo but his name is somewhat problematic and he's in a saturated market.
It is always:
1.pages with keywords that represent your market
2. get the pages indexed
3. send in the links
You can rinse and repeat at this point but either way from here on out it is about links. Your success will be how many important links you have coming into your pages (notice I said pages not just your index), and how large of a network of pages you have that represent your market. Another reason blogs are cool as you can do this in a reasonably organized way. But without the inbound links it is a waste of time (thinking your internals will rank) from a search engine perspective. Sure you can get 2.0 non main engine type traffic, but those are the geeks and freaks that spend all day on the net like you and I. ;-) Probably not necessarily your market.