- You gotta Blog if you are going to Survive Online
- The Search Engines like blogs better than a website.
- A Blog Is easier to get traffic from engines.
- I can write anything on my blog
- The Blogoshpere matters
- A Blog Is about You
- Social Media and Web 2.0 is the future of the web
There is a pervasive myth that permeates the web like a cancer. That a blog will help you in the engines. Each day that goes by this becomes more false than yesterday.
- There are more and more webpages being created at an explosive pace. Your competition is growing. This is important from an obvious perspective( you can see it in the search engine results). But, as the proliferation of pages grow, it gets harder to do well in the engines from a Page Rank perspective.
- Search engine spiders like content. Content does not have to be on a blog. Its just easier.
- Pinging was once a useful way to get insta traffic. Not anymore.
The truth is that engines treat every page on the web equally. Now, granted a webpage on a blog tends to be set up "engine friendly". With proper header tags, W3 declarations, and meta tags, you would think you are good to go.
In reality, the best you will get is traffic for some obscure long tail type phrases. Why? Because without a natural proliferation of inbound links from important websites, your blog, website or page will not get any Google Love. Does this sound like the SEO article. Same rules apply.
In fact, Google seems to still put the most weight on your title tags and inbound links. So much for the rest mattering if it is "Search Friendly".
A blog is just a website in disguise
Yeah, sure it can syndicate,but so can a website if you let it. RSS is simple to do on all of your pages.
So you would think I am down on Blogs. No, not at all. This is a blog. But, let's understand what they are so that we can actually use them in a way that is profitable.
A blog is easy to create and easy to access. The typical web log, leaves an archival trail for the reader to follow. This may be a more logical method of search on the web. Searching thru time might make more sense than Google's pure search, Yahoo's or DMOZ's old Directory style. And even the search where we find listings of homes by drop down boxes or even Mapping mashups.
Nevertheless, it is this very archival system that makes it necessary for the engines to drop your internal blog pages. This was the beauty of a blog until a few years ago. But, having a post on your main page, and then on your archived pages, and the same post on your permalink, can be seen as duplicate content in todays fiercely competitive search engine marketing scene.
So, from a traditional algorithmic search scenario, the old rules of SEO still apply. I find that the irony of the blog is that it is forcing agents to do what they should have been doing years ago. Creating constant content.