We get a ton of questions and I am usually pretty good about answering. If the agents allows me to post the question and my answer I give them a link. Got a burning question? Send us a Q! The post below is edited for readability and to keep it concise.
Mine is new, and I just try and focus on the local markets inside the Adirondack park of upstate NY. Since I am starting out in real estate blogging, I read your blog and others a lot. I hope to make some sort of local impact up here in an attempt to keep people honest and blog about our local market. Posts have been far between, but as i gain footing it will be consistantly updated. Other people from my office post as well. Any suggestions would be appreciated, including etiquette for linking which i feel there is a lack of....I do appreciate your tips on the writing, and have been keeping track of daily conversations and going-ons. One thing it seems though is that there are a lot of negatives in Real Estate, whether that's opinions about RE agents, or news of the housing 'bubble' or agents acting in unethical ways, it seems to me only natural to report it and suggest ways to make it right. However, the last thing I want is to be viewed as a downer, or whining about this and that, but I feel that it is important for the general public to know (or those who read our blog) that not every agent is like that. These are the types of things that I hear talked about on a daily basis, but realize that doesn't make for good blog posts. Where is the happy medium?May be getting a bit long winded, but I really do take to heart your comments on writing as i am still trying to make a splash in the RE blogosphere..Thanks again for the email!Kind Regards,Josh Pratt, Realtor
I would be happy to link back to you by you creating an article, and I would be happy to link to it on my Page 2, subblog.
BTW the best way to write is to take mental note of the thing you keep saying over and over in response to your clients on a daily basis. Those are the topics of most interest and you are pretty good at answering.That way it will come right off your hand when writing it, and it will be of interest to your market.
Personally I like to take on a couple advocacy type issues. In fact I just wrote a counter argument to the so called bubble.It was a letter I wrote to a LA Times writer that quoted Bubble Bloggers about how bad things supposedly are.
I will probably post the letter at some point. I just want to give her a chance to respond.
Keep in mind your most wanted action. On any website. What do you want the visitor to do or "get"? Thats what all your communication should be about
Anything other than that objective is superfluous in my opinion.And frankly a disservice to your reader.