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April 6, 2007


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Brad Dixon

Not sure if this is what you wanted us to do regarding the retraction video - it cut out before it finished. And now I can't hear anything. But here goes....

SEO keywords/lingo mentioned in the Appalachian post...

impossible to sell if not for superior
Online Marketing and SEO
BAIT (link bait)
cheap publicity
bringing attention to it's holdings
cheap citation from local authorities
reputation it would give him
searching thru Google
beautiful website
local board would not reveal buyers names
Boue Shack remaining hidden and private

Todd Clark

If it makes you feel better, I got the joke. My wife got me earlier in the day and it was really hard to not know the rest of the day that it was April Fools. I guess I should have told you that it was funny via comments. Check out my website for your link to your blog appology.

Here is a link to my blog about the April Fools Joke that wasn't.

Then here is the link on my website.

I think April 1st is becoming a lost art. SAD isn't it. - I got your humor (Keep it up)

Tim O'Keefe

Thanks you are in the running!

Tony Marriott

Tim - Got the joke - and have posted to Active Rain for the link contest.


If I'm lucky enough to be one of the winners, I would like the links to go to our new blogsite at http://www.phoenixarizonahomesearch.com and I will have Suzanne add the information from Active Rain to our blogsite.



david Fanale

Marketing elements used were the explanation of the property, "Appalachian" "Online Marketing and SEO by Spider Juice" HouseBloggers.com. You used the Lake name, town name again.

Okay, that's a couple of things.

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