And the winners are:
Adam Bailey -
Next Level Realty representing Cambridge MA Real Estate
Peg Archibald-
Representing Savannah Georgia Real Estate
Tony Marriott-
From Arizona Representing Scottsdale Phoenix Real Estate
and last but not least, this would not have been a contest without a Texan!
Brad Dixon-
Representing the Austin Real Estate market.
I know I said only three winners, but I am feeling pretty good this morning and I want to give :-)
(They gave some of their answers in the comment to the original post)
Don Pardo can you tell them what they have won?
Adam, Peg, Tony, and Brad are the winners of a lovely set of 50 inbound links thru a multitude of Real Estate Authority websites. Their lovely links will be from Publicity, Blogs, Directories and oh so much more!
Okay, I learned a lesson thru all this.
So I ran a Publicity campaign to get people to pay attention. Four luck winners are getting important links that will help their websites get traffic thru additional page rank and link popularity..
Then I found out not to Ass-Sume anything. I offered links as a persuader to get in on the contest, and got emails back asking why do links matter.
Oy Vey!
So my next post is why they matter.
But for now congratulations to the winners!
We will be reporting on some of the great links they are getting soon.
Tim - Thanks! Let me know next steps. Tony
Posted by: Tony Marriott | April 11, 2007 at 04:49 PM