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April 29, 2007


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Risa and David Weiss

Thanks for the followed link, Tim. For those not sure what a followed link is, just google the word "nofollow" and read. A followed link is the opposite, and it's a good thing to have - it's the currency we deal with on the web - quality, high authority links.

For agents looking for online advice on jumpstarting your internet marketing efforts, here it is in a nutshell:

Just start reading and writing about what interests you and what you think might interest your potential clients. Keep providing information and new and unique content, and tell the world about it.

Read about best practices in the business and be tenacious. Good things will come - more business, more publicity, and more opportunity.

Don't give up, and don't listen to those who find excuses not to push forward on the internet. We're having one of the best quarters we've ever had in what is widely seen as one of the least favorable markets in the past decade or more.

My wife, Risa, and I are living proof that you can do it. We don't have 10 or 15 years of calendar experience in real estate, but we most certainly have it in practical terms after only 3 years and somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 transactions (I've lost count).

Thanks again, Tim.

Joe Zlomek

Tim: Nice mention in The Trib. Hollywood's next.

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