Just a couple days after my last post on how nothing is for free, a British human rights advocacy group says Google has the most abysmal privacy policies and is leading a "race to the bottom" by the world's most renowned Internet firms. London-based Privacy International, which has monitored rights protections on the Internet since its fledgling days, ranked Google "hostile to privacy" in a fresh report that it staunchly defended on Sunday.
The big G is pretty quick at working things out, and I hope they do the same with this situation. I've seen this report many times this week, an am pulling for Google to make things right.
Posted by: Shaun McLane | June 12, 2007 at 05:15 AM
I'm sure google does it's part to ensure people's rights are protected from our ever intrusive gov't. Real estate seems to be the last bastion of real property rights left in america. How long till our privacy rights are completely lost?
Posted by: admin | June 17, 2007 at 12:47 PM