What is the most misquoted stat about real estate and the internet?
80% of all home sales start on the net. The hype often blurs into "80% of home sales are because of the net".
Now last I checked, you cannot buy real estate online like a book at Amazon. I guess Ebay is giving it a go with their model. But for the most part at best, the net is a lead generator.
Which does not mean it is a buyer or seller generator. It is potential buyer or seller generator. And unless that lead is moved to a level of pledging loyalty towards you, your chances of selling anything are poor. Afterall, all they did was sign up for your free report, IDX, or Free CMA form. They have not pledged loyalty like a listing agreement or buyers agency agreement.
A relationship can begin online, but the deal seals way better on the phone and better yet belly to belly.
Where do 100% of the deals come from? A salesman/woman who meets that potential buyer or seller, face to face with a pen in hand.
Bravo! I always like to remind agents I coach that the most powerful communication is face to face, next is a phone call, next is a personal note and last seems to be the standard, easy to send very little thought required,, generic effortless and soul-less email.
Posted by: chris sylvada | June 26, 2007 at 01:32 PM
Real Estate Agents have more avenues for online marketing than ever before, and new features on sites allow realtors to start discussion and relationship building online as well. While it does come down to the phone call and face to face, taking advantage of posts, blogs, profiles, and community features on listing sites can get the relationship off to a great start!
Lisa Merritt, President
Posted by: Lisa Merritt | June 29, 2007 at 10:01 AM
It's all about creating that relationship, and using your skills to make a sale, and then staying on top of things to close it. If buyers would buy a house, just by clicking on a listing, I'd be a millionaire...
Posted by: Staten Island Real Estate | July 15, 2007 at 07:17 PM
You are so correct! Getting customers in the door may be easy, but having what they want and need makes them purchase. - Being the information provider and not the hounding pushy salesperson with little to offer is key. Offering the right amount of contact at the right times is crucial and it pays off. Nobody likes follow-up especially if they feel they are bothering someone, so picking the right system to stay and remain takes practice and sometimes error. Scheduling a prospecting time per week devoted to online leads and sticking to it will bring results. Good post. =)
Posted by: Cecilia Sherrard | July 26, 2007 at 05:12 PM