The Makers of IBP have listed in their recent newsletter a new way to see if your web pages are listed in the dreaded Google Supplemental Results.
Simply query into Google the following:
I thought I saw actual results this AM. However, now when querying, I do not see the typical supplemental ID next to the link.
It had been rumored that Google was considering removing that ability to find your supplemental results. Maybe it has happened. Hmmm, I wonder why they would do such a thing? <insert sarcasm here>
Who knows. Here are a couple of the older ways to look it up. ~s *** -sljktf **** -asssdsd
Of course the best (if they show supplemental results still) is the command and just go thru the whole list.
I tried it too - it doesn't show any results.
Posted by: Staten Island Real Estate - Chris Burdzy | August 1, 2007 at 08:20 AM