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July 11, 2007


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Derek Burress

200 elements? Most of us have a hard enough time trying to get the first 10 elements of SEO down with our sites. With over 200 different elements we might as well start offering Ph.D's in Googling or Google SEO!


Focus on links and good content.Make sure your page has good Titles with your keywords.



I think links are the most important thing. Look at Technorati for example, your site can rank poorly on Alexa, but high on Technorati. My blog is a good example of that. - rexduffdixon.com.

Also another thing that will rank you up there (blog speaking) is good and consistent content.

There is no magic to that.


Real Estate Investments

I found your website that captures my interest while searching the internet for particular keywords related to real estates. This is a very informative blog of yours. Keep up the good work. You may also check Real Estate Investments and TIC Investments if it interest you for additional information's. Thank You...


Well I agree that title is very important, but where did you get the info that w3 and encoding affects SE rankings?

Nataliya Flannery

How does the robots.txt affect the page ranking for various search engines?

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