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October 29, 2007


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Carson Coots

Awesome... I jumped from zero to pr2... oh yea it's worthless.

Atlanta New Home

If Page Rank is based on linking of pages that link to pages ad infinitum. Then isn't the PR bound to adjust down as the world of pages grow?

In response to this, I feel more pages simply means you must have the ability to stand out more. If you have a good website with relative information, then others will put links to your site for their audience to view and enjoy. So, seeing as there are more and more pages out there, you simply must have a website that the web audience view as relative and important so you can obtain links from other sites boosting your PR, not hurting it.

Rick Marnon

This is a great article. I actually just emailed you to speak with you about seo, and getting my site better rankings. I have a pretty good understanding of how to get to the top, but I still have more questions on how to do it fast, but efficiently.

Rick Marnon

I have recently sent you an email wanting to speak you you about this. This article has helped me to get a better understanding of how google works. Google is a complex beast and to understand it is a job in itself. Do you think that msn will ever take over as the number one search engine?

John Sanderson

I think that google is only the tip of the iceberg...I only wish I knew of other sites that would take into account other factors besides number of page links...

chris frerecks

Exactly what we wanted to bring in for our audience. Great info/ great post Tim.

Malcolm Bradley

Just a quick comment - I agree PR is only one measure. SEOQuake do a handy toolbar which gives a good idea of age, Alexa rank & more.

It is at http://seoquake.com/ if anyone is interested.

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andrew coates

great post

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