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November 25, 2007


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I enjoyed your information about "Forcasting a Great Neighborhood to Buy"

James Sanson

I feel a great area to buy is anywhere if you calculate the current value correctly. You always win on the buy and not the sale.

Say we are in normal market where it takes about 120 days to sale a home. This area has appreciated historically 2% less than the other great buyers that you are told about, and you want a 10 year play.

Then simple compund the 2% per year for 10 years, and then make an offer of current market value minus this number.

Kenny Alex

Great post, "I feel a great area to buy is anywhere if you calculate the current value correctly. You always win on the buy and not the sale.", I total agrees. I found the same great articles here http://realsblog.com/2007/in-recent-years-there-has-not-been-a-better-time-to-buy-a-home-so-what-are-people-waiting-for/


A good neighborhood will always be a great place to invest in some prime real estate. Even investing in a foreclosure can turn out to be a good idea if the surrounding area has got some good vibes. It’s best to investigate though.

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