My "elevator" definition of what is a blog?
Web Blog=blog
The word blog has reached the inevitable level of over-hype. However, I give my pith revelations form years of blogging (This blog has been around since 2004). A great blog concept in my humble opinion is to define what it can do for you.
It can help one capture an instant credibility and authority over ones marketplace. Like the author of a book you get that recognition as an expert-if it is good.
A blog can give you relevance in your market. Proof that you deserve a place in the market.
It is in essence a textual story of your brand.A transparent story that unfolds over time. If you add nothing to the marketplace but noise then that will be obvious.If you add insight, you will have just etched a permanent residence in your readers head.
When done right, you will get calls that do not qualify you, but ask you how much, and how? It shortens your sales cycle.
Great entry Tim! (This is Howard in Prescott AZ...we've talked on phone previously). Always read your RSS feeds, this one is especially thought provoking. (Loved the bunny story). Would like to be in touch with you in the New Year...a mutual project idea. Talk to you, have a wonderful Holiday and a happy, and healthy New Year. HAM
Posted by: Howard Miller | December 22, 2007 at 07:10 AM