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December 23, 2007


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This is true. You can market in lots of different ways and identities. However, when it comes to internet marketing, maintaining different sites can be difficult and time consuming and in today's internet real estate market being as competitive as it is, being at the bottom of the search rank doesn't help you at all. I suggest keeping yourself focused on your very own niche and invest your time and energy in getting up your rank. Being in the first page of google WILL translate in to money. As buyers are out there they're just clicking on the site at the top.

 Tom Kelly

I shoot a lot of aerials here at Michigan in Ann Arbor, football stadium aerials and real estate.
I have aerials of a lot homes,close-up . You can shoot from the air and easily have 6 homes that are for sale in your shot at 1000 feet, shooting from a high-wing cessna 182. I shoot a lot in the spring and fall to avoid the leaves on the trees. In the last 2 years of shooting I now have over 500 clear digital images that can be enlarged to 20x30, not that any body needs one that big of a house to sell the house. I am now making these photos available to Realtors in Ann Arbor who would never of thought of buying an aerial for $250.00 15 months ago, cheep under $20. I would like to get your thoughts on this. you can see some of my real estate work (aerials) at shutterfly.com/pro/tkelly/lakeforest.

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