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December 14, 2007


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allen Johnson

The Ultra are not recession proof especially if they are not diversified but the reason that lower asset class investors are pessimistic about a recession is because usually they are part of the employment segment matter fact watch this video of what warren Buffet thinks about a recession.

Shannon Lefevre

I've only been selling real estate for 11 years but what I think is curious is the fact that when the real estate market is cooling the highest priced properties are selling and when the lower priced properties begin selling, that tells me we're on for another run.


It's true, the ultrawealthy are often much more diversified. The average person cannot go out and purchase property abroad, for example. Average people must also settle for mutual funds rather than (occasionally) superior hedge funds.

In response to Shannon's comment, Sam Zell agrees that today's market is only a temporary setback. I wrote a blog post on what he said here:

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