48% of All Users Watch or Share Video
Pew Internet and American Life Project says that 48% net users have visited a video-sharing site at least once to watch or post a video. This is an increase over the 33% number in December 2006.
- 15 percent watch or post a video on a typical day
- 53% of Men are more likely to have used a video-sharing site, compared to 43% of women.
- 70% of users under 30 have used the sites, compared to just 16% of those 65 yeas old and over.
- 25% of Americans have recorded video, and of those 14% have uploaded their videos.
Thanks for this. I do true video of my listing and upload to Wellcomemat. This is fuel for the fire my friend.
Posted by: chris clement | January 20, 2008 at 02:32 PM
That number is going to keep growing as our society keeps changing and adapting to new technology.
Posted by: NM real estate | January 21, 2008 at 09:58 AM
I'm finding that most prospects to my website view the pictures and videos before they read the description. Tub Mogul works for me. It also syndicates my videos and provides me stats.
Posted by: Chris Dowell | January 21, 2008 at 07:45 PM
Videos have really taken off but the organization of the info online is still not the greatest.
Posted by: Jason Brown | September 24, 2009 at 11:28 AM