I love politics. Say that word Republican and Democrat in civil company and people run for the hills. As a student of marketing that is pathetic. Hopefully, as a student of marketing most of us are open to studying the greatest marketers.
How can liars and cheats get us to forget about their obvious shortcomings and get us to get passionate about them?
Great marketing.
If there's any field where insecurity and fear are a brand's biggest roadblocks, it has to be politics — which is why every marketer should not only watch but study these political ads as textbook examples on how differentiation works.
In the Obama campaign he is about you, about us. The mantra he repeats over and over about change is: "Yes, we can".
Good copy uses at least 4 you's for every I. Obama get this approach. And no, there is no way I will vote for him, but I sure as hell respect his marketing. He is by far running the most unique and smart campaign seen in a very long time. And this causes me to doubt my candidates chances for a win.
For fun I post this video where all the candidates sing David Bowies Changes.
You are one of the best marketing bloggers out there and you deserve many kudos for all the great information you share. I sure appreciate all you do.
How is that...
Posted by: TegoV - Albuquerque Real Estate | February 16, 2008 at 08:45 PM
Yes,and when you listen its also about the client. Just stopped in to view your blogs. Nice job.
Posted by: Eric of New Orleans | February 17, 2008 at 04:22 PM