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May 13, 2008


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A little off topic, but: why is it that I never see my blog on Technorati, no matter how often I post (usually daily) and ping? I seem to get about 40 to 50 visits a day.

Coach Tim SEO

Try registering as an owner in technorati.

Alan Hamilton

That is true. Page rank is given to each individual page separately, and on of the best things you can do to keep your site high up in search results is to update it as often as possible (and the number of pages on your site also counts!).

Cape Girardeau Missouri Real Estate

That is why it is a good idea to send some links to your interior pages.


Also keep in mind that Google pagerank does not coorelate directly to traffic volume. I have a couple of websites that rank 3 and 4 on the fronpage respectively, yet the one that ranks 4 has less than one tenth of the traffic of the other site. I think that pages rank well when the content is specific across the page, and is relavent to things people are searching on. Also Page titles with text that match the content and things like that, but I won't get into a whole lesson on SEO. The bottom line is that I think the Google pagerank algorythm likes pages that have a simple central focus keywordwise, which makes sense if you think about it.

Tim O'Keefe

I would not use the page rank bar to make sweeping generalizations like that. At best it is a comparative to itself. A delta if you will. The reason is that at best Google shows results that are very old, and at worse they show difrent results than what they use to operate.

You mention many factors that have zero to do with page rank. They may have something to do with linking, but not page rank.(like linking with text similar to a title tag as an example-but that has nothing to do with PR).

Josh R.

I have been listening to a lot of podcasts about SEO lately. I really like the people at webmasterradio.fm, their show is called SEO 101. I don't know anything about the internet, but they explain stuff in simple terms and give you actionable ideas.

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