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May 20, 2008


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John Smith

To complicate matters, however, the potential answers are as numerous and multi-faceted as the growing number of niche markets, products and services, and marketing trends in our culture.


You are absolutely right. In the Sarasota Florida real estate market, many Realtors got into the business when things were so easy that now that they actually have to work to do business, they haven't a clue about how to succeed. Personally, I'll be glad to more of them see them let their licenses expire and quit the business so only professionals who really love this business are competing for listings and buyers.


I find it takes alot of tweaking..but results begin to pay off. Getting involved in other similar blogs, submitting articles, reviwing keywords, joining forums...it all begins to make a difference!

Sell My House

Thanks for the great links. I am getting tired of hearing all the negative things about real estate. The funny thing is, it is comming from the same people who 2 years ago were bragging about how much money they were making in the real estate worlds...now they are complaining about the houses they own and can not sell for what they owe them for.


Thank you for the websites. It is great to read positive information about the market.

I think it is important to find creative ways to market your real estate. It's just hard not to over spend on it and gas!

Ted Stevens

Great blog. I am always looking for positive news. In fact I heard that San Diego and parts of Florida have bottom and started to turn.
As a Professional Commercial Property Scout, I look for trends up and down, growth and decline. It allows me to stay even with the market and look in the areas that have potential.
I also know that due to the mortgage crunch, which is now stabilizing, money for all types of projects dried up, especially for residential projects.


The credit crunch and economic uncertainty at the moment in the U.S. are causing investor anxiety and much more frugal lending. Luckily, commercial real estate still seems relatively attractive to investors. Positive blogs and real estate forums like this are crucial to allow the industry to flourish.


Good Points - I enjoyed reading over your article, made sure to bookmark your site for future reference. Talk to you later.

Jonathan Blackwell

Agreed, the weed out period is almost over and what will be left are the people that truly enjoy this industry and want to serve their clients in the best way they know how.

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