34 % of global respondents to a March social media survey from Universal McCann said they had "ever" subscribed to an RSS feed. That represents a large jump from the previous year's findings, when the agency found just 15 percent said they had subscribed to a feed. The data were gathered from 17,000 Internet users in 29 countries, aged 16 to 54.
The Big but is that the U.S. ranks far down on the RSS useage list, with penetration of only 18.6 %.
RSS is heavily accessed in Russia (57 %), Brazil (55 %) and China (54 %t). Only 25 % of U.S. respondents who use RSS said they access feeds daily while 35 % get them weekly and 16% monthly.
We have a recent 10 listing RSS feed on our site for years. It is not one of the more popular features. However, once I explain what the feed will do, agents are interested. Not sure why. In general I then the public does not understand RSS feeds.
Posted by: Cape Girardeau Missouri Real Estate | June 4, 2008 at 04:43 AM
I think people/sites should explain RSS feeds to people more often. I never knew what they were for years but now I know about them I use them quite regularly.
Posted by: Marcus Hill | June 6, 2008 at 04:24 AM