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June 23, 2008


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Do you think Google could do this on their own without help from the government?

real estate

The article gives a brilliant idea.what if?if this would really happen well there's a big advantage on online marketing.

Portland Agent

It's a very interesting debate and will definitely have a significant impact on the evolution of wireless technology in the US in the near future. What's frustrating is that the debate does not center on the question of what best serves the public, because spectrum is fundamentally a public resource.

Toronto realtor

I also think that this is a very interesting issue. Online marketing is a good think and I also think that it is a future trend. Thanks to many communities you can accurately hit your target customers. Working as a Toronto realtor I’ve found slow internet connection as a setback already few times. Sometimes you have to decide in a second but if your customer is not able to download some Hi-res photos and you have to deliver them personally then you could loose a great deal.

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