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July 13, 2008


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I think however hear, from a very trusted and Adwords expert, that Google does manually look at landing pages to see how relevant they are in their Adwords network.

Google's Quality score relies on landing pages relevancy in a big way so having a well developed and relevant landing page for your e-bandit signs is extremely important. It will lower your costs tremendously.


Tim O'Keefe

Oh yah I just heard from a secret source that I have deep in Mountain view that .....
Just kidding, but that is how easy it is to spin stuff on line.

Yes I fully believe in Adwords they have manual fllow up. But this post was in regard to Organic not Paid. Sorry if that was not made clear.

Thanks for the comments.


I thought most people knew the algorithms sorted out the relevancy. It's all in the machine. The genius comes with the people who design the programs to search more accurately.


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