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July 1, 2008


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N. Stephen Schatz

I've heard about the note flipping. i haven't had any luck with it but I went the telemarketing/cold calling route.

If I was to do it again I would use an automated call system.


This is a great post. I really like the quote. Thank you for taking the time to post this for all to read. Thank you.



Jim Johnson, CRS

Great Blog! The Bend Oregon real estate market lags behind the Las Vegas market but our prices are now falling. The 3 sales I made last month were all to California buyers picking up prime properties at good prices. It looks like Las Vegas has some even better buys! A person should really own a winter home in Las Vegas and a summer home in Bend. Keep up the good blogging!


I think you are right...the rich do get richer...and the poor get poorer. My husband and I have run across some really great real estate deals over the past several years. The bad thing is we must bring them to an investment group or watch others make the big bucks.

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