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August 28, 2008


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James Bridges

I like the concept of your post. Sadly though, without the attention to detail, many people miss the mark in their SEO efforts. I think the 6 points are strong ones, but then to say just "create great content" is not giving the content enough credit. I think it should be one of the 6 points as well as making sure "calls to action" is within the content. Maybe "create great content with calls to action" could be one of the points.

Coach Tim SEO

Thanks for the comments. Yes Content is important, and perhaps could have been stuck into the bullets. However, content I feel is a separate subject and the bullets are an extension of the content.

Content is what is for the reader and the bullets spell out the SEO. Obviously the engines look at the content for meaning. However, it seems more likely they look at the title tag to tell them what the content is about. The content seems to validate what the title tag and perhaps the h tag says. I failed to mention the h tag as it does not seem as important as it once was.

As far as call to action, this was an SEO discussion and not conversion. Yes call to action is huge, but be careful on a blog or social type media as it can be obnoxious unless buried into a very compeling/unique offer.

John Carle

Hey thanks for this. You've been very clear at explaining the subject. for a new blogger like me, that's what I need. Happy blogging!

Real Estate Raj

I would have put "usability" as one of my main points. Creating a site that's clear in its intention and well organized will allow visitors to find the information/call to action they need.


But what does Usability have to do with SEO? They are 2 separate topics.

Kim, Brisbane Real Estate Agent

Good points and content is king, no doubt.
These all points are online optimization.
To make your content great, always update it.

Find Lake House

Nice article. This is correct content is king! If you have good quality content you are miles ahead of everyone else.



Is there an easy way to create a Google sitemap?

Coach Tim SEO

Troy I answer you here:

motel sale

You've been very clear at explaining the subject. for a new blogger like me, that's what I need. Happy blogging!

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