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August 19, 2008


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Jamey Bridges

On the digital neighborhood front, you could also get one of your clients to let you inside so you can show an example of what a home in the neighborhood is like. Give your visitors the "MTV cribs" Point of view so they can see what a real home is like.

Property in Brazil

I think that the video marketing is much better way to market your estate or the blogs. I think this is really very helpful and more effective then usual marketing techniques. Digital door knocking and digital neighborhood tours are more better among those techniques for video advertisement.

Jim Johnson, CRS

Thanks for the great tips. We need anything we can use to attract buyers in this market.

Brisbane Real Estate

Informative article. It is really good to use video in real estate marketing.

Tony Sena

Real Estate Agents that learn how to use Video Marketing now will be steps ahead of their competition. We are working on adding video marketing to our real estate business in Las Vegas!


"Using Video in Your Real Estate Marketing " is a good concept. I do agree with this that visual Adds work better...


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Flats 4 You

Hey, very good tips about marketing, i will use them for my own profit!!!

Thanks a lot.



This is Video Marketing, where in people will see you on what you actually do. This enable people to know you and by knowing you people will start to build trust and confidence in connecting with you. But video marketing should always be supported with your blogs, written articles and even your social networking sites.For these additional information helps people to understand you more not just with your expertise but your writings will perfectly reflect on what you believe in and on what you believe in is the total mirror of you.

House Extension Specialists

Only having a website or blog is not enough to get traffic but it should be well known to attract people towards you and the best method is to be popular marketing. And the marketing tips that you have given will work definitely.

Austin Real Estate Broker

I've always wanted to make some videos for my favorite neighborhoods, but I don't really like the cell phone type videos that people post on their sites. They really seem less than professional to me. That said, I don't think I can afford professional video production. Is there a happy medium?


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