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November 11, 2008


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We've been working with a local guy on SEO for our real estate site in Washington, DC. There's no getting around it: a lot of work is involved in getting your site to the top of the real estate listings, especially as so many agents have sites. We've tweaked the site as much as we can; now it's just links, links, links.


Can I be a huge jerk and do my SEO part now (even though it's nofollow) :)

We sell Palm Springs property over at http://www.patrickstewartproperties.com

Deon Swiggs

Does having content that is constantly updated that has key words that are relevant to your website. Or is that maybe on of the sins.
Anyway thanks for the info. Am going to have to look into this further

Rebecca Levinson

I think many real estate agents and brokers do consider SEO, but first thing is- what is the Brand? For a broker- it's already there, for an agent- the brand needs to be identified first before SEO can be an effective branding tool.

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