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November 24, 2008


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Marc Rasmussen

Great post. Thank you for supporting me. Just an update on the situation - I made a very fair proposal to the Board of Director for settling the argument. They meet today 11/25/2008 to discuss and decide on it.

Marc Rasmussen

By the way. I got an error when I tried to comment with my website http://www.luxurysarasotarealestate.com. I had to leave URL blank for it to work.

los angeles lofts

Very cool story. I am very inetrested in how it all turns out. I have been trying to come up with innovative ways to market creative office space and live work lofts in los angeles. If you have any ideas I would love to hear about them.

hollywood office space

I love this story. Keep me posted on how it turns out. Best of luck.

Michael Haltman

Hey Tim:

What's going on? Great post. I don't get here that often but it is always worth the trip. If you ever have a piece you think would work on my blog, let me know and if I agree I will put you in as a guest writer. If you think any of my content is worthwhile for yours, you can use that as well.

My blog is not real estate or mortgage, but politics and the financial markets. Whenever you get a chance, take a look and let me know. Hope business is OK. Happy Thanksgiving.

Mike Haltman

The Political and Financial Markets Commentator

Kamloops Real Estate

Sweet post. Make sure and keep us posted on how it all turns out. Creative ways of marketing are always interesting posts.

Todd Covington

The Sarasota Association of Realtors are a bunch of crooks. There's no doubt that they wanted him domain URL for monetary gain. Too bad Marc is now back on top with http://www.luxurysarasotarealestate.com/ now. I own a couple hundred real estate related domain names in the Beaufort, Charleston, and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina real estate markets. This story is very important in regards to what I'm trying to accomplish in South Carolina. Good Luck Marc, Todd Covington.

PS I'm a REW customer too.

Coach Tim SEO

I think calling them crook is a bit compulsive of you. I think confused, misguided, poor judgement, lack of responsibility, etc. Are what come to mind for me.

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