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March 13, 2009


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Coach Tim SEO

Just to finish out the post. I guess I didn't tell you the specifics on how I lost it? No idea. Had to be either malware on my computer, or something bad on facebook. As Christopher alluded it may have been bad applications attached to facebook. He had me drop those real fast. I changed my password several times and frankly had it under control way before FB got back in touch with me.


yikes! I was contacted by this person too and have had all kinds of trouble with my computer since then...guess i will take the same steps. Hey I would have given you the money if it was you!
:)) Denise Mitchell

Coach Tim SEO

you are so sweet but you gotta know that someone in that predicament isn't going to be facebooking people.

Ms. Real Estate Signs

Gosh, I can't believe you went through the same thing I did. They took over my account too.
In my case facebook besides sending me the same email that they sent to you, they took forever to fix my situation..as a result of it, I didn't come back to facebook yet. It gave me too much of headache having my password stolen and then me having to tell over and over again to the people responsable for facebook what happen..bla bla bla.

Vero Beach Real Estate

An interesting post. I have been deliberating on whether to use Facebook for my real estate business and quite frankly I am a little hesitant to. This post didn't help inch me closer. But I may have to anyway.

Harold Scott

Tony in Hawaii

scary! I often think I have way too much personal info on Facebook. hmmm, come to think of it, so does my blog.

Just had a friend of mine get her gmail acct hacked and weird emails sent out.

i better start being more careful!

Dominican resort

Nice article, I have been deliberating on whether to use Facebook for my real estate business and quite frankly I am a little hesitant to.


Very nice,
In my case facebook besides sending me the same email that they sent to you, they took forever to fix my situation..as a result of it, I didn't come back to facebook yet.


Don't be discourage to use Facebook after this has happened. Facebook has dumped tons of money into their network to prevent things like this.

Facebook is the happening place. However, if you don't want to use Facebook, use Manta.com. (Its a pure b2b social networking site as well as THE go to place for information on millllllllions of companies)

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