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April 6, 2009


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loft rentals

You are so right in what you have said here, positive words can make all the difference. We are all begining to see that the market is improving, the more we talk about the improvement the more the positive thoughts will spread.

Oxford MS Homes For Sale

I am with you on this post. Get prepared and stay prepared. We just had a big hit in Oxford, Mississippi (home of the first presidentail debate in 2008) and Thank goodness I was prepared!


Like the boys scout motto 'Be prepared' we need to always remain informed and adapt to market changes to remain afloat. I listened to some economists some hours back, they said even if we come out of this crisis, there will be another coming. Its very important we remain informed and innovative. Nice one.


Twitter can be an effective tool, but you're right keep on top of the other things.


Most real estate agents get their news from the newspaper and tv. These sources bombard the public with negative news because that is what draws the public and thus advertisers.

I get my news from the internet and I'm prepared!

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