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September 30, 2009


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philippines homes

Great post on the importance of content. You guys were really great and helpful.

Deirdre Gonzales

Sell Your House

We have to follow the new startegy on real estate,that is very important on recession time.This strategies will help us to face the critical problem.I know Eric Lofholm has wonderful master sales trainer,also he trained many persons.That idea will help many real estate professional.I will follow Eric Lofholm guidelines.

Scott Jensen, MBA, Realtor

That is some great information! Now I only have to start applying it!


I'll check out your interview with Eric and try to learn from that. Thanks for sharing. Good luck on all your endeavors. By the way, I know a real estate coach who could also help many in the real estate industry make money despite the current crisis.

Santa Clarita gay homes

New strategies in dealing with selling properties is highly observed now. Even if we are in recession,real state business continues to adapt new ideas specially on advertising to fasten the recovery even if 1% increase of its later rates.

Dubai Property

Very true said by Santa Clarita, strategies changes with the changing environment. Even in recession every business seeks for new ideas, strategies, sales promotions and many more steps to maintain the business in the running economy.


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