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October 14, 2009


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Service Apartment in Bangalore

As i got interest in Real industry I started reading this book. thanks Barb.

Matt Foster - Denver Real Estate

Thanks for the staging tips and the video. Staging works and I always appreciate new tips.

Estate Agent Christchurch

We can say that first impressions, lasts. Giving people there money's worth is the goal here. This technique would help many real estate agents, such as myself. Thanks for the information.

Sarah Nicely

I haven't ever thought of staging a home, so your advise and video was very helpful to me. I believe that I can do this with my vacant houses, but what about houses full of furniture? I wonder how to go about asking homeowners to store their furniture while I'm selling their home, any suggestions?

San Diego Mortgage Guy

Thanks for the great tips on staging! Your tips can and will help sellers (if they listen) sell faster and for more money EVERY time!

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