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November 22, 2009


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Lifestyle is better than living in your bank! The sooner people think to remember "it's their house NOT their bank" that they are living in/ buying ... that's the real reason to buy. It's a HOME!

Overland Park Homes for Sale

Buy a home based on your life needs, not market timing.


What we know is that this type of buying and selling generates about 5 million transactions per year. Down 40% from the peak, without a corresponding drop in the number of licensed agents.

Coach Tim SEO

Not sure I am following you.Are you saying those that sell the lifestyle way vs greed or what I call scarcity only methods are surviving the attrition? Because I understand there to be a massive attrition going on in the industry either-in expired licenses or at lease dormant.

real estate lead generation

With all the shows and news about buying/flipping etc. I can see how greed can get involved and how people can focus just on the financial side of buying a home. I like what Carol said "Lifestyle is better than living in your bank!"

Beth Everett

"Today we hear about the housing crash. We listen to new home figures like it is the stock market. Of course we did the same thing when the market was overheated. But we do not live in a market. We live in a home. Its where we share love, we have children and raise good citizens. Walk down the street of any home in America and there is a story. And that story has little to do with home prices going up or down." I believe this is among the best comments a real estate sales rep can possibly share with prospective customers sitting on the "but, what if" fence.


I think it's a little bit timing but more need based.

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