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November 27, 2009


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Patrick Meenan

A lot of the web site performance tools were targeted at developers to give them the information necessary to fix a site (so sorry for scaring you). As a non-geek, what would be useful information but not too much to scare you?

For example, would it be enough to let you know how your site performs relative to other sites (percentile/rank)? Would some basic user-fixable issues be worth flagging (like if your images should be better compressed)? How about an overall grade with suggestions to have the site developer look at certain high-level things?

Just wondering what a reasonable amount of information would be for a site owner that just wants to know if they have a problem or not without having to pour through all of the techie-specific details that someone would need to fix a problem.

One aspect I'm working on is letting you see how your site looks while it loads relative to other sites ( http://www.webpagetest.org/video/compare.php?tests=091118_32PJ,091118_32PK,091118_32PM ) - which is helpful for understanding the user experience but may not have anything to do with any Pagerank decisions Google makes.

Dubai Property

Very well said in the article the major portion of your website which plays an important part in website rankings. Speed of your website is checked by the google admin that how much time is it taking to open it up. Remember not to use many animations on your website as it reduces the speed of your website.


Daniel Kepka

When Matt Cutts says something the entire seo world should be listening. Google doesn't mess around with these things.

Daniel Kepka - Property In Calgary

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