Putting Strategy into Your Content Production
"What do I talk about? What do I say?"
Answer this question and you have a beginning:
Ask yourself,"in the grand scheme of things why do you or your business matter to your marketplace?" If it doesn't matter you have a larger problem than just missing web content.
From your market position begin to ask yourself about what your marketplace needs to know prior to getting close enough to ask you an intelligent question.
That is where your potential client is when they read your content.
We have all been in those spots where we are asked by a salesperson, "can I help you?". And we know we need help but have not a clue of what we need help with.
This is also why you publish content. You publish to claim your authority over your market and to elevate yourself above the pretenders that nip at your business and chip away at your market share.
The good news is that your competition has neither the desire or the know how to create useful and meaningful market centric content.
As they say Content is King. Actually meaningful content is king.
Great post! Searchers want information. Providing a good content for your visitors and probably potential clients is a very good way to keep then coming back to your site.
Posted by: Utah Homes | December 30, 2009 at 09:06 AM
Meaningful content IS king. In real estate I've found high quality photos to be the most meaningful content to my visitors. Very few people bother reading anymore - Answers to their questions could be right in front of them and they will still call the office.
Posted by: Gainesville real estate | December 31, 2009 at 10:29 PM
Good thing you have done here, Thanks!
LA Times: Southern California home prices and sales improve in November (http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-home-prices16-2009dec16,0,3611388.story)
Southern California’s real estate industry, decimated by the mortgage meltdown and housing bust, is stirring to life again — even making hiring plans — as home prices bounce back. I hope your readers find this interesting.
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Posted by: Simon Salloom | January 3, 2010 at 11:49 PM
OK But,my content is less about blog articles and more about the latest rental property listings. It's not the kinda stuff that swipes people off their feet although it's useful. Could anyone expand on the different areas of content that go into a successful campaign.Much appreciated!
Posted by: TreeHouseForRent | January 24, 2010 at 02:51 PM
I just had to say that it's refreshing to have someone that understands real estate and SEO. I've talked to so many real estate agents that don't understand how effective SEO is and its difficult to teach someone something new that isn't willing to learn or evolve. Internet Marketing may not be around forever but its here today and its how people find your business.
Posted by: Nichole Schlecht | November 21, 2010 at 02:57 PM