I recently finished a long successful season of Coaching my kids youth football team. After 21 straight wins, my little guys came out flat for the Championship against a team that they had already beaten twice in the past two seasons. They got beat that day and pretended like they did not know what happened.
Isn't that the way it is though? We sell in good economic times like order takers more than marketers or salesmen. Then think doing the same thing will work in a tougher selling environment.
We hope it will turn out alright, instead of making it turn out alright. We hope for better sales instead of going and getting them.
I know of several Realtors who changed their business model almost immediately as the market shifted. Some jumped into the "blood" economy with speed and accuracy. Creating relationships with banks, REO managers and workout departments. I have one friend who made a deal with one lender and is doing tons of BPO's every day. It is literally keeping her doors open.
Hope, makes us passive rather than active. It allows us to short cut our critical thinking and jump into activities on hype as its sole merit. Often without proper investigation. Let me issue a news alert. SEO, Press Releases, Websites, Blogs and for sure Facebook, and Twitter do not work on their own merits. They require an overriding strategy prior to jumping in.
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Some might equate hope with PMA or a positive mental attitude. I disagree. There is nothing positive in hoping. There is only positivity in doing. While losers hope or may I say wish to put it more into perspective. Praying towards the god of hope will only disappoint. Go do something that starts with critical thinking and then massive action and you will be on the right track.
Like my football team who came out flat, hope alone offers little. They were just as well as to not come to the game. Likewise you and I play a bigger game. With higher costs. And one thing is for sure. There is no guarantee of success. There is only a guarantee of failure if you do not show up with your game on.
It's like the old saying, "without a map how can you get where you want to go"? And that rings true to good business strategy as well.
Posted by: Paul Dunn | December 16, 2009 at 06:46 AM
I agree! Hoping and wanting success mean little, only doing the things that lead to success count. Networks Real Estate
Posted by: Glen | December 16, 2009 at 09:48 PM