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January 20, 2010


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OK I confess. Guilty as charged. I have done it a couple of times. The funny thing is, I didn't like it either.

What I don't like is all the content garbage and spam. I need to find a better filter.


I've been there before. This year is a better year for resolutions. Spams are like garbage you're right.

makati condos

I think the very reason why spammers are there is to gain back link, "I like your post" comments is posted just to make a short notice of its link. And we all used to hate it, comments with nothing to say, comments that was just a filler. It's good to find a better filter.

WordPress Mortgage Calculator

I've had such a problem with these comments that I've decided it's not really worth allowing comments on a blog until it gets a decent amount of traffic. Otherwise you end up with 90% of your comments are "Gee, thanks for this," or something spammed like that.

Jeff Fulmer

I've been putting out my blog for Greater Nashville Real Estate for a while... Obviously, a big reason was SEO. I guess I was so naive I didn't realize that many (nebulous) comments were simply there as more subtle forms of spam... Does it help them with their SEO or is it just a desperate attempt for attention?

Coach Tim SEO

Comments can dilute a pages keyword density although density is hardly as important as the old days.

The advantage is constantly updated pages and a connection with your readership.

The reason others comment or comment spam is that they want a link or traffic back to their site.


maui real estate

LOL, I feel your pain. I have open comments, but must be moderated prior to being published. I can't tell you the amount of spam comments that I get, perhaps it's time to use a captcha plug-in.

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