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January 22, 2010


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Still trying to figure out the whole social marketing media thing. Hey, learning to fly wasn't easy either when I started. The results are guaranteed, you just have to be patient. It doesn't happen overnight.


Agree that you should not expect to sit down there waiting the prospects to knock at your door after setting up the social media accounts. They do not work in this way.....I believe in giving before you start to receive. Therefore you have to be contributing before reaping the fruits...

Vancouver WA Real Estate

Thanks for the tips and info. We may have been recent to add our web presence, but our interest in growing in the social media networking realm is high. It's now a matter of finding the time and energy to be putting out quality input!

Great blog site here.


Seems like MySpace has lost on its way now. I find Twitter very helpful now.

James Dearsley

Have meaning to read this post for some time now and glad I did.

It is true, having a Social Media presence will not just generate business as you say. I have recently written about Social Media (or rather technology on my part) and Real Estate. I basically state that without a presence (and a strategy) old, more traditional agents, the ones with a website, are going to look very outdated soon.

If you are interested it is here http://jamesdearsley.wordpress.com/2010/01/07/changes-in-technology-past-and-present-and-the-affect-on-real-estate/

Cheers guys,



Although we have been using traditional SEO tactics for years, our company is only recently diving into the social universe, and this post has been a great help :)

Morgan Hill Homes

great article. I am trying to get my social media plan together and the article was informative and didn't have the usual fluff added. Thanks for sharing.

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